Foxfire Matrix Pro® - Preventing Chloride-Induced Corrosion
Parking structures will often encounter problems which can be attributed to ASR, corrosion, excessive exposure to de-icing salts, structural movement, and overall physical loading stresses. Regardless of age, all parking garage structures must be protected and maintained to prevent future failure and costly downtime.
Foxfire Matrix Pro™ is designed for engineered protection for concrete surfaces that internally waterproof, cure, strengthen, seal, and purge chlorides from the slab. Foxfire Matrix Pro™ was developed as a spray-applied permanent concrete treatment for green and aged concrete surfaces. Many structures, such as parking decks, are exposed to extreme environmental conditions where the ingress of chloride ions, carbon dioxides, and moisture contribute to corrosion of the steel structure within the slab. Foxfire Matrix Pro™ is not dry shake, concrete admix, or concentrate. Instead, Foxfire Matrix Pro™ is a proprietary, penetrating, liquid, hydrophilic solution that when sprayed directly on the concrete surface is absorbed to become a permanent part of the matrix for the life of the concrete.
Corrosion & Restoration Management Strategy
Cure and seal surface, purge chlorides, and block re-entry.
Modify concrete to maintain permeability but resist moisture vapor transmission.
Protect reinforcing steel to reduce the effects of chlorides and carbon dioxides when they do reach the steel structure.
If applying cementitious toppings, pretreat concrete to enhance adhesion without altering the bond-line.

Contractor section: Concrete treated with Foxfire Matrix Pro does not preclude the requirement for design of crack control, construction joint detailing, proper placement, and measures for repairing defects such as honeycombing, tie holes, and cracks beyond specified limits.