Foxfire Matrix Pro® Structural Concrete Roof Protection on U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay.
Foxfire is routinely called upon to be a part of both new and restoration concrete projects around the world involving other systems adhering to a treated surface. We understand the need to collaborate with other technologies and provide scientific data that our material not only can be a part of a building assembly but also chemically enhance strength and performance of the installation. In 2020, we were called to collaborate with RQ Construction, LLC. and Duro-Last Roofing Systems to integrate a Foxfire Matrix Pro® surface applied treatment on green concrete before roofing assembly installation at U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay.
Why Foxfire Matrix Pro® ?
Foxfire Matrix Pro® was specified for all new concrete applications on the island due to the extreme coastal marine environmental conditions and high chloride content in ready-mix sands. The RQ Construction team also wanted to mitigate these environmental forces by treating green concrete for long term protection of embedded reinforced steel, reduce future carbonation, and enhance bond strength of any toppings applied to a treated surface. Foxfire Matrix Pro® could accomplish all of these requirements in a standard spray-applied application.
Concerns Vanquished
Independent testing confirmed that Foxfire Matrix Pro® exceeded expectations and provided the enhanced bonding plane as expected for roofing membrane adhesive. By specifying one product for concrete treatment, RQ Construction was able to provide a chemically treated and protected surface for the roofing system without compromising adhesion.
Foxfire Matrix Pro® is the first line of defense for all Portland cement based concrete regardless of finish or attachments.

Scientifically proven to cure, strengthen, reduce chlorides, and enhance bond strength.
The Garland Company 2019
NEMO Labs 2021